Saturday, January 15, 2011


Okay the time has finally come to announce the fist winner of my first giveaway EVAR! I am so excited about this because I know that there are many more of these giveaways to come. Bigger, better, and awesomer! I would have loved to give each and ever one of you lovely followers a copy but sorry, only got 2.

I finally chose the winner using my awesome mathematical and scientific skills and found out that there is only one way to pick a winner: make my mom pick a from a hat with little pieces of paper numbered 1 to 50. So winner, thank my mom who still keeps asking me why I made her pick that paper from the hat(it is the number in which you enter the form in my spreadsheet).Makes it all more fun! Enough of my babbling! So without further a do.. the winner of the End of 2010 copy Of MATCHED IS.......

*Drum roll*

#13 Melannie Lara!! Whoot! Congrats Melannie!

I will contact you as soon as I can to let you know that you won and ask for your address and other info. Thank-you all so much for participating, I did not know I was gonna get these much responses.


  1. woo! yay!
    I won!
    with wolves*

    tell your mom thanks for me!
    It's the first time I win something!

    okay no, I won the lottery last year! :D

    hahha nah, but this is so much better!
    I'll email you now (:



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