Friday, July 16, 2010

Have YOU Pre-Ordered Your Copy?

Two Days ago, I went to my local Barnes and Noble and I noticed this sign that said, "Pre-Order Mockingjay now! ( In-store or Online)" So when I finished looking for books (about 2 hours later) I asked the cashier if I could pre-order Mockingjay. And she signed me up, asked me for my name, and ta-da! I had pre-ordered Mockingjay, free of charge! So when August 24 comes (I will be in school) I will get a call letting me know that the book is there , then I will go to the store and tell them my name and a copy of Mockingjay magically appears!

Only there is nothing magical about me having to pay for it. So go to your local Barnes and Noble, or Pre-Order it online HERE. If you would like. So what about YOU? Have you pre-ordered YOUR copy yet? Only 37 days left! Can't wait..well I have to. PEETA! Sorry about the late postings guys, I'm a night-owl so I will usually post at night. At least during the summer.


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