Monday, August 9, 2010

Review: Linger By Maggie Stiefvater

Linger By Maggie Stiefvater
Publish Date: July 13, 2010
Summary from Goodreads:

In Maggie Stiefvater’s Shiver, Grace and Sam found each other. Now, in Linger, they must fight to be together. For Grace, this means defying her parents and keeping a very dangerous secret about her own well-being. For Sam, this means grappling with his werewolf past…and figuring out a way to survive into the future. Add into the mix a new wolf named Cole, whose own past has the potential to destroy the whole pack. And Isabel, who already lost her brother to the wolves…and is nonetheless drawn to Cole. At turns harrowing and euphoric, Linger is a spellbinding love story that explores both sides of love–the light and the dark, the warm and the cold–in a way you will never forget.
“This is the story of a boy who used to be a wolf and a girl who was becoming one”

Thoughts: -->
I read Shiver and was not-so-patiently waiting for Linger. When it finally came out, and I bought it, I was a little afraid it wasn’t going to be as good as the first book. I was completely wrong. This book left me spellbound, I loved how the author always described what the character was seeing with so much detail and Sam’s feelings toward being a human were so deep and just WOW.
I personally don’t like reading in so many points of view because I get confused sometimes about what’s going on with the story. But with Linger, I actually liked the fact that it’s in 4 character’s point of view. Maggie made the transition so smooth and not confusing at all, I loved that.
There is also an addition of characters throughout the story, Cole St. Clair being the main additional character. I loved Cole with his cocky attitude and mysterious past, I was glad he was one of the points of views in the story. So in a quick summary of what to expect of this book: mysterious things going on concerning Grace’s humanity and the cure they found, more Sam and Grace lovin’, Sam and Grace might have competition for cutest couple *hint*, and an ending that will make you want to, well I don’t know about you but I was wondering where the rest of the pages of the book were. Why did it have to end there?! July 2010 cannot come soon enough!
Review: 4.5 out of 5
Cover Love: I loved the cover! It had some sort of meaning to it. And the matching green print was incredibly awesome! Can't wait to see the color for the next book....Blue then Green, what next? Any guesses?
To those who haven't read Shiver and love werewolves and kissing : What are you waiting for? Go to your nearest bookstore/library right now!

What's next ?: The third installment in The Wolves of Mercy Falls Series Forever will be released July 2011.

Age recommendation: Pretty much for everyone!

All of my life decisions have been based around my inability to be gainfully employed. Talking to yourself, staring into space, and coming to work in your pajamas are frowned upon when you're a waitress, calligraphy instructor, or technical editor (all of which I've tried), but are highly prized traits in novelists, musicians, and artists (I've made my living as one of these since I was 22).

I now live an eccentric life in the middle of nowhere, Virginia, with my charmingly straight-laced husband, two small kids, two neurotic dogs, one criminally insane cat, and a 1973 Camaro named Loki.
I'm an avid reader, an award-winning colored pencil artist, and play several musical instruments, including the Celtic harp, the piano, and the bagpipes. I also make great cocktail party conversation.

Okay sorry for the long overdue review, I have been trying to make this blog as decent looking as possible and doing a lot of reading! So all this week I will post one review a day. So you can call it a 5-review week! Let me know what you think!


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