Friday, January 13, 2012

Its Official!

I did not want to announce this before it was official, but now that I got the okay from my parents and their credit card, I can not very anxiously announce that I will be going to ALA in Dallas next week.
If you are going to be there, and you see a skinny awkward looking teen with glasses on that looks like this:

or like this:

(replace the look of happiness with a look of awe and cluelessness)

then you have found me and you must now say "hi", Introduce yourself and maybe help a clueless blogger who has never been to ALA.

I am nervous and excited, but mostly nervous. I have no idea what to expect, where to go or how to act. But I am ready for anything, I have yet to get my list of book I want together. But I have registered, so that is the most important part, and I have figured out where I am going to stay and all that.

So any ALA veterans out there who have any advice? Any tips or anything? If you are going, comment! I don't want to be clueless on who you are or anything, don't be shy.

So yeah, that is about it! If you haven't registered and are planning to go, register soon, in exactly a week I will be in Dallas (which is like an hour away form here) just finishing my first day at ALA.

Have a GREAT weekend everyone!

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